Tuesday 15 December 2015

Ban On New Diesel SUVs, Luxury Cars Above 2000 cc In Delhi Till March 31

The Supreme Court today banned the registration of diesel SUVs and cars above 2000cc in the national capital till March 31, saying the decision will not affect the common man.

The top court also ruled that diesel commercial vehicles registered before 2005 will not be allowed to enter Delhi. Entry of commercial vehicles, which are not Delhi bound, has also been banned, with the court ordering the traffic police to draw up alternate routes - trucks usually take National Highway 1 and National Highway 8 that take them through the capital. A green tax charged for trucks entering the city has also been doubled.

All taxis in the national capital have also been ordered to switch to CNG by March 31 2016.

The Supreme Court's decision came in response to a clutch of petitions including one on banning diesel vehicles in some cities in the face of alarming pollution levels in the country.

"Rich people can't go round in SUVs polluting the environment," the court had strongly remarked yesterday. It had also slammed car dealers arguing against a National Green Tribunal order banning registration of diesel cars, saying, "People's life is at stake and you are interested in selling cars."

Last week, the Tribunal had directed that no new diesel vehicles will be registered in Delhi. The tribunal had also said that the central and state governments must stop buying diesel cars in Delhi. These will be interim steps till the next date of hearing on January 6, the green court had said.

Last week, Chief Justice TS Thakur had called the pollution level in the national capital "embarrassing" and had asked for immediate solutions.

Around 23 per cent of the cars registered in Delhi are diesel. Diesel cars can legally emit 7.5 times more particulate matter than the petrol versions and produce more toxic nitrogen dioxide. Diesel emissions are also cancer causing, says the World Health Organization

Kerala CM asked to stay away from PM Modi's function; upset Congress may raise 'insult' issue in Parliament

 A day after Kerala Chief Minister Oomen Chandy was first invited and then asked to stay away from an upcoming event at Kollam to be attended by Prime Minister Narendra Modi could generate heat in Parliament on Monday as Congress is expected to raise the matter in the house.
"The chief minister was first invited and then the organisers told him it that would be better if he can keep away from it. People of Kerala want to know, who are these forces behind the organisers who asked the chief minister to keep away from the function," AK Antony, a senior Congress leader, told reporters here.
Also, top leaders of the Congress party have condemned the organisers` move to first invite the chief minister and then asking him not to take part.
PM Modi is scheduled to arrive in Kerala on his first visit to the state after taking over as Prime Minister. On December 15, he will unveil the statue of R Sankar at Kollam.
Sankar was the former Kerala chief minister and also president of the Congress party.
He was also the top leader of the powerful Sree Narayana Dhama Paripalana (SNDP) Yogam.
The programme has been charted out by SNDP Yogam general secretary Vellapalli Natesan, who last week floated a new political party, which is all set to become the ally of the BJP-led NDA.
Meanwhile, reacting to this episode, Chandy said that he was eagerly waiting to attend the programme.
"Shankar is a former chief minister and former president of the Congress party and the protocol also is such that when the prime minister is in the state, the chief minister should take part but since the organisers who invited me requested me to stay away, I am not taking part," the chief minister said in a release here.
Chandy, however, said that he will be in Kochi on December 14 to receive Modi and he will also be there at the airport here to see him off and also meet him along with the entire cabinet.

Monday 14 December 2015

Translation of Indian president Narendra Modi's speech in Hindi to Malayalam went wrong.

മോദിയുടെ പ്രസംഗം സുരേന്ദ്രൻ തെറ്റായി പരിഭാഷപ്പെടുത്തി; മൈക്ക് മുരളീധരൻ ഏറ്റെടുത്തു...

While translating presidents speech in Thrissur,(kerala)  the translator made Big mistake from the starting onwards. at last  leader v muraleedharan take over the translation job
more on:-
മോദിയുടെ പ്രസംഗം സുരേന്ദ്രൻ തെറ്റായി പരിഭാഷപ്പെടുത്തി; മൈക്ക് മുരളീധരൻ ഏറ്റെടുത്തു...

Read more at:

Sunday 13 December 2015


Got milk? Well, according to one study, that could put you at a higher risk of developing Parkinson's disease. Video provided by Newsy
this link show its video proof:-

Saturday 12 December 2015


Asthma Risk in Children Rises by Over Two Times When Mother Smokes

The chances of a child to suffer from asthma rises by 2.1 to 2.7 times if the mother is a smoker. The same translates to 1.2-1.9 times when the child has a father who smokes. In the study published in the current issue of Journal of Asthma, Dr Bharat Bhushan Sharma, Associate Professor, SMS Hospital, and author of the article said that the risk of asthma increases with passive smoking.

"The chances of having asthma increases by 2.1 to 2. 7 times when mother of the child was a smoker. However risk for getting asthma rises by 1.2-1.9 times when the child's father was a smoker," he said and termed it as an alarming finding.
The lead author, Dr Sheetu Singh, Assistant Professor, Institute of Respiratory Diseases, described that pollution and passive smoking cause asthma and the risk of developing the condition increases when traffic pollution level near the house is high. She said that when heavy vehicles pass by frequently or almost for the entire day near the residence, the risk of getting asthma increases from 1.2 to 1.7 times.
"The traffic pollution levels were also analyzed during the study period in the same cities and it was found that the PM10 levels (which indicate the number of particles with size below 10m) were higher than the permissible limit in all the 8 centers in which the national air quality surveillance was conducted," Singh said.
"India was a part of the study conducted in over 100 countries all across the world and Jaipur was one of the centers. The Indian data were recently analyzed and published in the Journal in which 93,016 children of two age groups (5-6 years and 13-14 years) participated," she said.
Describing the data as frightening, Dr Virendra Singh, President Indian Chest Society said that traffic pollution should be controlled by better public transport system, banning entry of heavy traffic in the city and removing truck and bus repair shops from residential localities.
"Children should not be exposed to cigarette smoke and awareness should be generated among parents that smoking in presence of children increases the risk of asthma," he said.
He also claimed that this was the first Indian study documenting increased risk of asthma when either parent was a smoker.

Thursday 10 December 2015

History of Mysteriously Disappear: Bermuda Triangle.

                  The Bermuda Triangle is a mythical section of the Atlantic Ocean roughly bounded by Miami, Bermuda and Puerto Rico where dozens of ships and airplanes have disappeared. Unexplained circumstances surround some of these accidents, including one in which the pilots of a squadron of U.S. Navy bombers became disoriented while flying over the area; the planes were never found. Other boats and planes have seemingly vanished from the area in good weather without even radioing distress messages. But although myriad fanciful theories have been proposed regarding the Bermuda Triangle, none of them prove that mysterious disappearances occur more frequently there than in other well-traveled sections of the ocean. In fact, people navigate the area every day without incident.

The area referred to as the Bermuda Triangle, or Devil’s Triangle, covers about 500,000 square miles of ocean off the southeastern tip of Florida. When Christopher Columbus sailed through the area on his first voyage to the New World, he reported that a great flame of fire (probably a meteor) crashed into the sea one night and that a strange light appeared in the distance a few weeks later. He also wrote about erratic compass readings, perhaps because at that time a sliver of the Bermuda Triangle was one of the few places on Earth where true north and magnetic north lined up.

William Shakespeare’s play “The Tempest,” which some scholars claim was based on a real-life Bermuda shipwreck, may have enhanced the area’s aura of mystery. Nonetheless, reports of unexplained disappearances did not really capture the public’s attention until the 20th century. An especially infamous tragedy occurred in March 1918 when the USS Cyclops, a 542-foot-long Navy cargo ship with over 300 men and 10,000 tons of manganese ore onboard, sank somewhere between Barbados and the Chesapeake Bay. The Cyclops never sent out an SOS distress call despite being equipped to do so, and an extensive search found no wreckage. “Only God and the sea know what happened to the great ship,” U.S. President Woodrow Wilson later said. In 1941 two of the Cyclops’ sister ships similarly vanished without a trace along nearly the same route.
A pattern allegedly began forming in which vessels traversing the Bermuda Triangle would either disappear or be found abandoned. Then, in December 1945, five Navy bombers carrying 14 men took off from a Fort Lauderdale, Florida, airfield in order to conduct practice bombing runs over some nearby shoals. But with his compasses apparently malfunctioning, the leader of the mission, known as Flight 19, got severely lost. All five planes flew aimlessly until they ran low on fuel and were forced to ditch at sea. That same day, a rescue plane and its 13-man crew also disappeared. After a massive weeks-long search failed to turn up any evidence, the official Navy report declared that it was “as if they had flown to Mars.”

Wednesday 9 December 2015

സുഹൃത്ത് നിങ്ങളെ പ്രണയിക്കുന്നുണ്ടോയെന്നറിയാൻ ചില വഴികൾ!

ഒരു നല്ല സുഹൃത്ത് ദൈവത്തിന്‍റെ ഒരു വലിയ സമ്മാനമാണ്. സുഹൃത്തുക്കള്‍ പലതരത്തില്‍ ഉണ്ട്‌. നല്ല സുഹൃത്ത്‌ ബന്ധങ്ങൾ പ്രണയത്തിലേക്ക് വഴിമാറുക സ്വാഭാവികം .നേരിയ ഒരതിര് മാത്രമാണ് സൌഹൃദത്തിനും പ്രണയത്തിനും തമ്മിലുള്ളത്. പ്രണയമാണോ സൌഹൃദമാണോ വലുതെന്ന് ചോദിച്ചാല്‍ രണ്ടും വലുത് തന്നെ. പക്ഷേ, സൌഹൃദത്തിനാണ് ആഴം കൂടുതല്‍. ഒരു വ്യക്തിയെ പൂര്‍ണമാ‍യി മനസ്സിലാക്കാനും ആവശ്യമായ നിര്‍ദ്ദേശങ്ങള്‍ നല്കാനും പലപ്പോഴും സൌഹൃദത്തിന് മാത്രമേ കഴിയൂ. കാരണം അവിടെ സ്വാര്‍ത്ഥതയില്ല, വാശിയില്ല. ചില സുഹൃത്തുക്കൾ സാധാരണ ഒരു സുഹൃത്തിനേക്കാൾ കൂടുതൽ അടുപ്പം നിങ്ങളോട് കാണിക്കുന്നുണ്ടോ? ചില പെരുമാറ്റങ്ങള്‍ അയാൾക്ക് നിങ്ങളോട് പ്രണയമുണ്ടോയെന്ന് മനസിലാക്കാൻ സഹായിക്കും.

              1.അയാൾ നിങ്ങളെ സ്നേഹത്തോടെ ഒളിഞ്ഞു നോക്കുകയും , നിങ്ങൾ പറയുന്നതിനെല്ലാം താത്പരനായിരിക്കുകയും ചെയ്യും. ഇവർ നിങ്ങൾ പറയുന്ന അഭിപ്രായത്തിന് വിലയുണ്ടെന്ന് കാണിക്കുന്നവരായിരിക്കും.

             2.ആണ്‍ സുഹൃത്തുക്കളോടുള്ള ആസൂയ ചില പുരുഷന്മാര്‍ തങ്ങളുടെ പെണ്‍ സുഹൃത്തുക്കളോട് സംരക്ഷണ മനോഭാവം കാണിക്കുന്നവരാണ്.നിങ്ങള്‍ ബാറില്‍ ഒരു പുരുഷ സുഹൃത്തിനൊപ്പമിരിക്കുമ്പോള്‍ ഒരു സുഹൃത്ത് കണ്ടാല്‍ അടുത്ത് വരികയും ക്ഷേമമന്വേഷിക്കുകയും ചെയ്യും. അയാള്‍ ഒരു സാധാരണ സുഹൃത്ത് മാത്രമാണെങ്കില്‍ അയാള്‍ നിങ്ങളെ അവിടെ വിട്ട് മറ്റേതെങ്കിലും ഗേള്‍ഫ്രണ്ടിനടുത്തേക്ക് പോകും.

              3.നിങ്ങളുടെ സമീപത്തെത്തുമ്പോള്‍ അയാൾക്ക് ഒരു ചെറിയ പതർച്ചയുണ്ടാവുകയും, കാണുമ്പോഴെല്ലാം അഭിനന്ദന വാക്കുകൾ പറയുകയും ചെയ്യും.

                       4.അയാൾ തന്‍റെ സുഹൃത്തുക്കളോട് നിങ്ങളെ പറ്റി പറയുകയും, നിങ്ങള്‍ പറയുന്നതിനോടെല്ലാം ചിരിക്കുകയും ചെയ്യുന്നുവെങ്കില്‍ അത് നിങ്ങളോടുള്ള താല്പര്യത്തെയാണ് കാണിക്കുന്നത്. ഇവർ കാണുമ്പോഴെല്ലാം നിങ്ങളുടെ സൗന്ദര്യത്തെ പുകഴ്ത്തിക്കൊണ്ടേയിരിക്കും.

                      5. നിങ്ങളുടെ അടുത്തെത്തുമ്പോൾ അയാൾക്ക് സമീപനത്തില്‍ മാറ്റമുണ്ടെങ്കില്‍ നെറ്റിത്തടത്തിലെ വിയര്‍പ്പും, സംഭ്രമവും ഒരു സൂചനയാണ്. ഒരു പെണ്‍കുട്ടിയോട് പ്രത്യേകമായ വികാരങ്ങളൊന്നുമില്ലാത്ത അവസ്ഥയില്‍ ഒരാള്‍ക്ക് സമീപത്തെത്തുമ്പോള്‍ വികാരപരമായ വിവശതയൊന്നും അനുഭവപ്പെടില്ല.

                     6.ഫോണിൽ മനോഹരമായ സന്ദേശങ്ങള്‍ അയക്കുകയോ, അല്ലെങ്കില്‍ സുഹൃത്തുക്കള്‍ക്കൊപ്പം പുറത്തായിരിക്കുമ്പോള്‍ നിങ്ങളെന്ത് ചെയ്യുന്നു എന്ന് അന്വേഷിക്കാനും താല്പര്യം കാണിക്കുന്നുവെങ്കില്‍ അതും ഒരു സൂചനയാണ്.

                     7.നിങ്ങളോട് താത്പര്യമുള്ളയാളാണെങ്കിൽ നിങ്ങള്‍ പറഞ്ഞിട്ടുള്ള കാര്യങ്ങളെ ഓര്‍മ്മിച്ച് ഇഷ്ടാനിഷ്ടങ്ങള്‍ക്കനുസരിച്ച് അയാള്‍ സമ്മാനങ്ങള്‍ നൽകും.വിശേഷ ദിവസങ്ങളിലും, ജന്മദിനത്തിനുമൊക്കെ ഇഷ്ടപ്പെട്ട സമ്മാനങ്ങള്‍ നിങ്ങൾക്ക് അയാൾ നല്കുന്നുവെങ്കില്‍ അത് ഒരു വെളിപ്പെടുത്തലാണ്.

A floating post office

Tourists to Jammu and Kashmir now have another attraction - a floating post office on the Dal Lake in Srinagar, the first in the country.

Sachin Pilot, Minister of State for Communications and Information Technology(IT), and Omar Abdullah, Chief Minister of Jammu and Kashmir, inaugurated the floating post office on Monday.

"This innovation by India Post will be a boon for the tourists visiting the lake," Pilot said in a statement.

Besides offering normal services, the place will also have a philately museum and a shop that will sell postage stamps and other products.

"This is the first such post office in India. It has been made as a tourist focus post office on a huge house boat and will provide a unique and tourist-friendly service to the people of Kashmir and to tourists from across the world," John Samuel, the state's chief post master, told.

Samuel also said that the special feature of this post office is that letters posted from here will carry a special design which will have the picturesque sceneries of Dal Lake and Srinagar city.

"These pictures will reach wherever these letters will be posted and will promote Kashmir as a tourist destination across the world," he said.

Pilot also launched two special postal covers on the Dal Lake.

"It is a befitting tribute to the lake, which is one of the most famous and often quoted symbols of Kashmir, and often referred to as the crown of Kashmir," he said.

Pilot later launched a special mail van service from Srinagar to Shopian district.

The postal department currently has 1,693 post offices in Jammu and Kashmir.

Tuesday 8 December 2015

Odd-Even Formula for Cars From 8 am To 8 pm, Says Delhi Government

NEW DELHI:  The odd-even rule for cars in Delhi will be implemented from January 1, between 8 am and 8 pm, the Delhi government announced today after a meeting chaired by Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal.

Transport Minister Gopal Rai said odd-numbered cars would be allowed on odd dates, like January 1, 3 and 5, and even-numbered cars on even dates. On Sundays, all cars will be allowed.

"We will assess the system on January 15 and then further action will be taken," Mr Rai said.

The minister said no decision has been taken on whether to leave women and disabled out of the ban. It is also not yet clear whether two-wheelers will be part of the formula.

The odd-even formula has been described by Mr Kejriwal as a necessity to reduce the number of cars on the roads of Delhi, which is battling with severe levels of air pollution.

Mr Rai said the list of those exempt from the ban would be announced in a few days.

The government will hold a series of meetings this month with other departments like traffic police to work out more details.

Some 200 areas across the capital will be monitored for the impact of this plan.


We know that some days are special in an year for each individuals either related with there happiness or sadness.
There are some day specially comman for all Indians they are listed her for you.

Day of a monthSpeciality of the day
1st JanuaryThe first day of a year in gregorian calendar system
3rd JanuaryWomen's freedom day
12th JanuaryNational youth day (1984 onwards, in India)
15th JanuaryArmy day (in India)
26th JanuaryRepublic day of India
27th JanuaryJew massacre day (in the UK)
30th JanuaryHutaatmaa day (for patritots who died for their homeland, in India)
14th FebruaryValentine day
24th FebruaryPrinting (Press) day
28th FebruaryNational science day (in India)
29th FebruaryThe leap year day (once in four years)
8th MarchWorld women's day
15th MarchWorld consumers day
20th MarchWorld handicapped persons' day
21st MarchWorld forest day
The day and night are of equal length in both hemispheres of the earth. The sun enters the north hemisphere and starts (appears) approaching the north pole of the earth. In a leap year, this could be 22nd March.
22nd MarchWorld water day
23rd MarchWorld meteorology day
24th MarchWorld TB day 2005
1st AprilApril fool day
7th AprilWorld health day
22nd AprilWorld earth day ; Started from 1962 year
25th AprilGlobal wish day
1st MayInternational labour day
Maharashtra day (in India)
3rd MayWorld Asthma day
8th MayWorld Red Cross day
8th or 11th MayMother's day
In India, Maatrudin is celebrated on Shraavan Amaavaasyaa , a tithee as per conventional Hindu, solar-lunar calendar system.
15th MayWorld family day
31st May (2005)World no tobacco day
5th JuneWorld environment day (from 1972 onwards)
10th JuneWorld eye donation day
15th JuneFather's day
22nd JuneThis day is the longest day and this night is the shortest night in a calendar year, in the north hemisphere.
This day is the shortest day and this night is the longest night in a calendar year, in the south hemisphere.
26th JuneInternational anti-drugs day
1st JulyDoctors' day
4th JulyNational day of USA
11th JulyWorld population day
24th JulyCousins' day
26th JulyAunt & Uncle's day
24th or 26th JulyParents' day
7th AugustFriendship day
15th AugustIndependence day of India
19th AugustWorld photography day
20th August (2005)Rajiv Gandhi Akshay Urja Diwas   i.e.
Non-diminishing energy day (in India)
3rd SeptemberIndian Mothers' day
5th SeptemberTeachers' day (in India)
9th SeptemberTeddy Bear day
11th SeptemberPatriot day in USA to commemorate the 11th Sept. 2001 tragedy in USA
13th SeptemberPositive thinking day
11th or 14th SeptemberGrandparents' day
15th SeptemberEngineers' day (in India)
World lymphoma awareness day (2005 onwards)
16th SeptemberLabourers' education day (in India)
International ozone day or International ozone layer conservation day
23rd SeptemberThe day and night are of equal length in both hemispheres of the earth. The sun enters the south hemisphere and starts (appears) approaching the south pole of the earth.
26th SeptemberWorld heart day
2nd OctoberWorld seas day
14th OctoberWorld standards day (year 2005, related to quality of products and services)
15th OctoberWorld blind people's day or World sight day
16th OctoberBoss's day
21st OctoberGlobal iodine deficiency disorders prevention day
2nd NovemberIndustrial safety day
9th NovemberLegal services day (in India)
11th NovemberRememberance day (in Canada),
Veterans' day (in US)
14th NovemberChildren's day (in India)
World diabetes day
19th NovemberWorld toilet day (year 2004)
20th NovemberInternational children's rights day
1st DecemberWorld AIDS day
3rd DecemberInternational day of disabled persons
4th DecemberNavy day in India
6th DecemberCivil defence and Home Guard raising day (in India)
10th DecemberHuman rights day
11th DecemberInternational Mountains day
22nd DecemberThis day is the shortest day and this night is the longest night in a calendar year, in the north hemisphere.
This day is the longest day and this night is the shortest night in a calendar year, in the south hemisphere.
24th DecemberIndian consumers' day
25th DecemberChristmas
28th DecemberWorld smile day (1999 onwards)
31st DecemberThe last day of a year in gregorian calendar system

Monday 7 December 2015


 A powerful earthquake measuring 7.2 magnitude struck Tajikistan today, shaking buildings as far away as in New Delhi and other parts of north India.

The tremor hit at 7:50 GMT (13:20 IST) some 109 kilometres (67 miles) west of the town of Murghob at a depth of 28 kilometers, the US Geological Survey said. The epicenter was located in a remote area, some 345 kilometres east of the capital Dushanbe, it added.

A spokesman for Tajikistan's Emergencies Committee said it had no information so far on any casualties or damage from the quake. The quake did not affect Russian military bases in Tajikistan, RIA news agency reported, citing Russia's defence ministry.

In India, tremors were felt in the National Capital Region (NCR) and also in parts of Kashmir, including Srinagar. There were no reports of loss of life or damage to property.

The quake was also felt in the capital of Kyrgyzstan, northern parts of Afghanistan as well as some areas in Pakistan.

In October, a powerful earthquake of 7.5 magnitude centred in Afghanistan, killed nearly 280 people.

The earthquake shook north India with tremors that lasted almost a minute. Hundreds rushed out of shaking buildings and remained on the streets for some time, fearing aftershocks.

Sunday 6 December 2015


What Is A Cancer?

In shoat we can say it is a deadly disease. 
Cancer is the name given to a collection of related diseases. In all types of cancer, some of the body’s cells begin to divide without stopping and spread into surrounding tissues.
Cancer can start almost anywhere in the human body, which is made up of trillions of cells. Normally, human cells grow and divide to form new cells as the body needs them. When cells grow old or become damaged, they die, and new cells take their place.
When cancer develops, however, this orderly process breaks down. As cells become more and more abnormal, old or damaged cells survive when they should die, and new cells form when they are not needed. These extra cells can divide without stopping and may form growths called tumors. 

Ginger Destroys Cancer More Effectively than Death-Linked Cancer Drugs

 Studies held on september 2015 reveal ginger contains a pungent compound that could be up to 10,000 times more effective than conventional chemotherapy in targeting the cancer stem cells at the root of cancer malignancy. A new study published in PLoS reveals a pungent component within ginger known as 6-shogaol is superior to conventional chemotherapy in targeting the root cause of breast cancer malignancy: namely, the breast cancer stem cells.

Ginger, a cousin spice of super anti-cancer substance turmeric, is known for its ability to shrink tumors. Astoundingly, it is even more effective than many cancer drugs, which have been shown to be completely ineffective and actually accelerate the death of cancer patients.

Commonly consumed across the world in small doses among food and beverage products, the medicinal properties of ginger far surpass even advanced pharmaceutical inventions. The subject of one study based out of Georgia State University, whole ginger extract was revealed to shrink prostate tumor size by a whopping 56% in mice.

The anticancer properties were observed in addition to ginger’s role in reducing inflammation as well as being a rich source of life-enhancing antioxidants. But what about cancer drugs? Could this simple spice really topple the advanced pharmaceuticals that are often touted as the ‘only option’ for cancer patients by medical doctors? It turns out that cancer drugs are not only severely ineffective at permanently shrinking tumors, but they actually make tumors larger and kill the patient more quickly.

More specifically, the tumors have been found to ‘metasize’, meaning they come back bigger and stronger than their original size. What’s more, the ‘metasizing’ was found to be very aggressive. According to scientists Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston, the premium priced drugs were little more than death sentences for many patients.

“Whatever manipulations we’re doing to tumors can inadvertently do something to increase the tumor numbers to become more metastatic, which is what kills patients at the end of the day,” said study author Dr. Raghu Kalluri.These are the very drugs considered to be the scientifically proven solution by mainstream health officials. Meanwhile, ginger presents virtually no side effects and has been used as a food product by many cultures for countless centuries. Instead of creating super tumors, whole ginger extract was shown to exert significant growth-inhibiting and death-inductory effects in a spectrum of prostate cancer cells. Over 17 other studies have also reached similar conclusions on ginger’s anticancer benefits, with the spice being shown by peer-reviewed research to positively impact beyond 101 diseases.

30 FACTS OF "Mark Zuckerberg" CEO of FACEBOOK

Mark Zuckerberg  the CEO of Facebook, is the common factor which we all know  but there are also a lot of interesting facts about this young billionaire that you all must know. 

1. Type @[4:0] in a Facebook comment, and Mark Zuckerberg's name will appear.
2. You can't block Mark Zuckerberg on Facebook. Go to and try for yourself.
3. As a teenager Mark was an aethist.
4. Mark's father Edward Zuckerberg enrolled Mark in a graduate computer course at a nearby college. When his father accompanied Mark to the college at the first class, the instructor looked at Edward and said, pointing to Mark, "You can't bring him to the classroom with you." Edward informed the instructor that his son Mark was the student.
5. Mark and his sisters loved to play pranks. Once, Mark and his sister Randi pulled a prank on New Year's Eve of 1999 that was memorable for Mark Zuckerberg. During that time, everyone was upset about Y2K, which was the theory that a bug in a computer data programming would ruin many of the computerised systems of the world when the year turned to 2000. Mark knew that that his parents were apprehensive about Y2K, so he, with his sister, waited until exactly midnight and then shut down the power in their house so as to make his parents think the fears about Y2K had actually come true.
6. Mark, along with his classmate, at Phillips Exeter Academy wrote a music program called Synapse. The program used artificial intelligence to analyse a user's music listenting habits and used that information to recommend other music.
7. The program got a lot of favourable reviews that both AOL and Microsoft showed interest in buying it for around $1 million. Also, they wanted to hire Mark to develop it, but he would have to drop out of school, so he refused.
8. He joined a Jewish fraternity, Alpha Epsilon Pi. At a party one Friday night, Mark met Priscilla Chan, a Chinese American from Boston. They would later begin dating. Priscilla Chan later expressed her first impressions of Zuckerberg : "He was this nerdy guy who was just a little bit out there."
9. To be able to communicate with his girlfriend Priscilla Chan's family members, Zuckerberg started to learn Chinese in 2010.
10. At the beginning of the sophomore year, Mark developed Course Match, the program that enabled students/users to decide what college courses they wanted to opt for based on what other students at their school were choosing.
11. He also invented Facemash, a program that was created with the purpose of finding out who was the most attractive person on campus. However, this was more like the pranks he used to play as a child.
12. The domain name, the predecessor to Facebook that Zuckerberg built in 2003, was sold in 2010 for $30201.
13. In 2009 Mark Zuckerberg wore a tie for the entire year as a symbol of how serious and important the year was following the recession that began in 2008.
14. In 2011, Zuckerberg turned vegetarian and said he would only eat meat of animals that he killed himself.
15. Zuckerberg's first car was a Subaru Forester SUV.
16. Mark Zuckerberg is also on Twitter as @finkd where he has over 150,000 followers but has posted only 19 tweets in the last three and a half years.
17. Blue is Mark Zuckerberg's favourite colour, as evident from Facebook's design.
18. By the time he turned 13, he had already created a basic computer network for his family dubbed "Zucknet," which allowed the computers in the family and his father's dental offfice to send messages to each other by pinging.
19. Zuckerberg has also created a few computer games. Once, he developed a computer version of the game Monopoly based on his middle school and a version of the game Risk based on the Roman empire.
20. Zuckerberg's pet dog Beast is a Puli, a type of Hungarian Sheepdog.
21. Zuckerberg placed a big whiteboard in the hallway of his dormitory suite. Mark would use it to brainstorm with symbols and codes for software. In the words of one of his roommates, Dustin Moskovitz: "He really loved that whiteboard. He awlays wanted to draw out his ideas, even when that didn't necessarily make them clearer."
22. Mark Zuckerberg's interest in programming developed when his parents gifted him the book C++ for Dummies.
23. Mark Zuckerberg has about 50 patents in his name. The first of which was issued in November 2004 for the technology behind the Synapse Media Player.
24. The number of people on who have Mark Zuckerberg on their Google+ circles is a fraction of the number of users who have subscribed to his status updates on Facebook.
25. His favourite musicians include Daft Punk, Lady Gaga, Shakira and Rihanna.
26. His favourite quotations: "Fortune favours the bold," by Virgil, Aeneid X.284; "All children are artists. The problem is how to remain an artist once you grow up," by Pablo Picasso; "Make things as simple as possible but no simpler," by Albert Einstein.
27. There are conflicting viewpoints about Zuckerberg's years at Harvard University. The movie The Social Network portrays him as both a genius and as someone who was always socially handicapped, and desperate to find a way into the social elite at Harward. However, Zuckerberg rebuffs those claims saying he never wanted to be part of the social clubs at Harvard and never used his computer skills to impress women around him.
28. Mark's interest in computer programming was quite visible at the very early age. By the time he was in middle school, he was already using computers and writing software for them.
29. Eduardo Saverin, one of the four co-founders of Facebook had provided the $1000 seed capital to start Facebook.
30. Mark Zuckerberg and his wife, Priscilla Chan, were the most generous American philanthropists in 2013, with a donation of 18 million shares of Facebook stock, valued at more than $970 million, to a Silicon Valley nonprofit in December.

Saturday 5 December 2015


Chennai floods is not a natural disaster, it is solely man-made! 
If there are trees, plants and open areas around, rain water will be absorbed by the Earth, but if we continue to build concrete jungles, flooding should not surprise you. 
Chennai claimed to be Monsoon ready even before it set in. The Corporation of Chennai ensured more than 6,200 metric tonnes of silt from the 1,860 km-long water drain network was removed. 
 The problem not only lies with the inefficiency of the civic body but also the unplanned and improper development of the city.
Chennai's original terrain consists of many lakes and marshes which now is covered with innumerous buildings. Over 5,550 hectares of wetlands in the IT Corridor of Velachery, Pallikaranai and Old Mahabalipuram Road (OMR) have been developed into commercial real-estate because of which the rain water has nowhere to go and thus, settles instead on the road. There are areas in Chennai which are flooded even during normal Monsoon season.
The capital city of Tamil Nadu is going through inevitable growth and the situation will remain the same. The only way to stop the flooding is to cut on the construction process which has made Chennai populated and which acts as a hindrance to settling down of water. A cautionary plan that goes well with the original geography of the city needs to implemented by the state government when the officially recognized 'disaster zone' is to saved from the doom.

CAUSE FOR Chennai floods::::::::::::::-

  1. Filling up lowlands without proper planning, little space for stormwater to drain and heavy encroachment of the river banks was one major reason for Chennai floods.

  2. Illegal constructions, mostly multistorey apartments and huge industries, played the next big part in making way to the floods.

  3. :---
  4. here we can see the detail study of this by indiatodayin: CLICK HERE FOR MORE

Friday 4 December 2015



India has been ranked 131 out of 167 nations on ICT Development Index (IDI) that measures the level of information and communication technology access. It was revealed in UN International Telecommunications Union’s (ITU) flagship annual Measuring the Information Society (MISR) Report. Key highlights of report Globally 3.2 billion people are now online i.e. having internet connection representing 43.4 per cent of the world’s population. Worldwide, mobile-cellular subscriptions have reached almost 7.1 billion representing 95 per cent of the global population. Top three countries in IDI 2015: South Korea, Denmark and Iceland. Disparity in Internet access: 81.3 per cent of households in the developed world have home Internet access, compared to 34.1 per cent in the developing world. It is just 6.7 per cent in the 48 UN-designated Least Developed Countries (LDCs). Asia-Pacific Region: It is the most diverse region in terms of ICT development that reflects stark differences in levels of economic development. 6 economies in this region including the South Korea, Hong Kong and Japan have IDI rankings in the top 20 of the global distribution. This region also includes ten of the IDI’s least connected countries including India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan. India: Mobile-cellular telephone subscriptions in India per 100 inhabitants is 74.48 in 2014. The percentage of households with computer is 13 per cent, while the percentage of households with Internet access was 15.33. Further the percentage of individuals using the Internet has grown to 18 per cent in 2014.

IS video shows kids killing 6 Syrian men:

IS video shows kids killing 6 Syrian men
The Islamic State group has released a video where children, recruited by the jihadists, are seen killing six alleged supporters of the Bashar Al-Assad regime in northeast Syria.
The unverified video was titled "To the children of the Jews" and show five children shooting to death five men and a sixth boy beheading a another.
The more than 14-minute footage begins with images of a training session in the middle of a desert, of the "cubs of the caliphate", as the IS calls children and teenagers recruited into their ranks.
A trainer says five of the children have won a competition "to establish the limits of God to the apostates who are trapped in the annulment of Islam" and predicts the caliphate cubs will free Syria, Iraq and Saudi Arabia and "raise the banner of the Prophet over the White House in America and in the heart of Tel Aviv".
The video was released on Thursday night by the information office of IS in the Al Jair province, one of the administrative divisions of Syrian territory established by the jihadists and covering part of the province of Deir ez-Zor (northeast).
The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights says the place where the murders took place is the citadel of Rahba in Mayadin village, the main bastion of the IS in the east of Deir ez-Zor.
According to data published by the observatory in July, IS has recruited more than 1100 children in Syrian territory since the beginning of this year.
Jihadists proclaimed a Caliphate in Syria and Iraq, where they seized northern and central parts of both countries at the end of June 2014.
Originally published as IS video shows 
kids killing 6 Syrian men:-
Here is an another video of :-

shows young boy beheading Syrian soldier near ancient city of Palmyra